Sunday, February 04, 2007


After wrestling with the insurance company I managed to get my prescription filled and started taking my shots a few days ago. My belly's already starting to bruise, and I'll be down to two pairs of pants by the middle of the week. I'm going to become one of those women who wears velour jump suits everywhere!

But it feels good to be out of the period of medical uncertainty and into the period of hopeful uncertainty. I started it out pretty well, I think. No big problems with the injections, and I'm not exhausted like I was the last time I had to take them. Here's hoping that was a side effect of the blood clot in my lung and not the medication.

This weekend was the annual Peace Retreat at the Zen Center. I was able to go Friday night and for the full day Saturday. My wonderful sweetie stayed home and stripped the varnish off the bedroom floor and wood trim, sanded it, and cleaned it with mineral spirits. What a lovely gift he gave me -- a day away from the chemicals and noise, and some time at retreat.

We brought the rented sander back to the store minutes after they closed, but with a few pleading phone calls convinced the guy working the tool rental desk to open the door for us. We had a quick dinner out before coming home to stain the bedroom.

Our house is a disaster -- there are dressers and rugs and mattresses piled in the dining room and drawer stuffed with clothes in the living room. We've taken over the little bedroom with the TV in it, pulling out the futon. Hopefully the rest of the process will go quickly and we'll be back in our room with shining wood floors in a few days.

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