Friday, October 13, 2006

Too many projects!

So, Sweetie and I (but mostly Sweetie) spent the summer remodeling the kitchen. We were on track to get it done by the end of the summer, too, but then I got sick. And sick did not work well with hard work in the kitchen, so my parts got pushed back. Then I got scared of the project I said I would do, so I procrastinated.

Finally, I went out and bought TONS of glass, smashed it into little pieces, and started gluing it on the wall behind the sink. It's slow going, but it's going, and it looks great. Sweetie is VERY pleased with it.

But I've still got that felted bag to finish up. And I want to knit socks for people's stockings this year. And I've got other gifts to make. I need to make myself a creating schedule. This is getting silly.

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